Enchanted by Women and Writing

This year, as one of my goals, I promised to devote at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week, to something creative, something not for work or school. I am fortunate enough to spend most of the day creating, designing, planning - but I've missed personal art, the type of art that leaves me exhausted, vulnerable, and breathless. 

So, over these last few weeks, I've returned. Returned to that sacred space that I've always craved. I've been writing every day, I've been drawing and lettering, and I've been finding nourishment. Tonight, after a long day, I knew I needed rest, so I turned to the words of others. 

I've read a lot of Payne's works, and while I always appreciate his command of language, there are phrases, sentences, of his that seem to capture everything in the most exquisite way. So out of appreciation for art and the magic of language, tonight, I wanted to share one of those passages. His ability to capture the enchantment and power of a woman's body is remarkable and just so damn beautiful.


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