Gazing into the Light

Today’s Timehop was one I had been been anticipating for the last few weeks. It was a collage of images from a walk we took last year when I let Jackson and Luna lead the way, a way we had never gone before, through adjoining neighborhoods, hibiscus labyrinths, and hidden fountains. It was an especially powerful walk for me because I trusted the instincts of my furry companions, focused only on the mesmerizing beauty of our unfamiliar surroundings, and surrendered control. They both pulled and sniffed while I became fully aware of the intricacies of our walk and the warmth of their company. I remember and cherish every detail of that evening and will forever hold it close to my heart. So tonight, for the first time in far too long, Luna and I made our way back to that fountain situated in the most unlikely of places. The otherwise busy landscape stilled and we sat there in complete solitude - yet not alone - present, connected, and gazing into the light.


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